Christmas decorating for travel lovers

Christmas Ornaments as Souvenirs

Christmas decor inspiration for travel lovers

Some may say decorating for Christmas before December is just too early, but to that, we say bah humbug! Not going to lie, we had our Christmas trees (yes, trees) up before Thanksgiving this year.

At the Williford house, we currently have six Christmas trees ranging from full size to kitchen counter decor and each has its own theme! We have a sports tree with ornaments from all of our favorite teams. We have a tree with ornaments from childhood. But our favorite – by far – is our travel tree!

2018 Christmas Tree Travel Ornaments

Since we love traveling and love Christmas, combining the two is the perfect way to celebrate the holiday! A few years ago, we started collecting ornaments from every new city we visited and they have quickly become some of our favorite travel souvenirs. The best thing about these souvenirs is reliving each trip as we decorate each year! It’s so fun reminiscing about what we did in each location and how we selected that city’s ornament.

Puerto Rico ornament for a travel-themed tree

Usually, ornaments are really easy to find such as this cute pirate that we found in a gift shop while on a cruise to St. Kitts.

Christmas ornament souvenir from St. Kitts

Every once in awhile, however, we’re in a spot where there are no ornaments for sale. In these cases, we love to use our imagination! We found the below “ornament” at a cruise port in Tobago where a man was carving and painting designs on the shells of a native plant.

Tis the season to decorate with travel ornaments

In Costa Rica, we couldn’t find anything that was specifically an “ornament.” But we did find this cute sloth and we’ve made our Christmas tree his new home!

Sloth "ornament" from Costa Rica

Many destinations will have markets with handmade items such as the straw market in Nassau, Bahamas.

Buy Christmas ornaments as souvenirs

Sometimes the only option is a mass-produced one and that’s fine, too. We just love to find something with personality!

Travel ornaments as souvenirs

Every Christmas, you will love opening your ornament box and reliving your adventures while getting in the holiday spirit!

Do you collect Christmas ornaments as travel souvenirs?

If so, what are your favorites?! Let us know!

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Christmas Inspiration for Travel Lovers

2 thoughts on “Christmas Ornaments as Souvenirs

  1. Hi,

    I just found your site through Pinterest, and I am enjoying it, thanks! Just booked a Panama Canal Cruise for November. Husband and I live in FL too. He traveled a lot for business, 70+ countries, and is now retired. I work full time and have visited 24. We enjoy exploring new places together. We also collect ornaments, and love the memories. Happy Travels.

    1. Aren’t ornaments such a fun way to re-live all of your travels each year as you decorate? We just love it. Have a blast on your Panama Canal cruise!

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