Travel to These Famous Spots Without Leaving Home

Whatever the opposite of homesick is, I think that’s what all of of us travel lovers are feeling right now. We’re missing the world and everything we love about it! The good news is, there are lots of ways to travel without leaving home and more seem to be popping up as the COVID-19 crisis continues. So, pop some popcorn, grab a seat on your couch, and let’s travel to some famous spots without packing any bags!

Oh, and want more ideas once you’re done reading this? Check out our post with 50 lockdown ideas for travel lovers during the COVID-19 stay at home order!

6 Ways You Can Travel Without Leaving Home:

Admire Famous Skylines

42nd Street in New York City

It’s honestly kind of startling when you first check out SkylineWebcams right now. The photo above is of New York City’s 42nd Street (screenshot taken March 25 around 6:30 p.m.). It’s eerie how few people are on the streets, but make sense with how bad the COVID-19 crisis is there.

Around the world, other popular landmarks like Rome’s Trevi Fountain and Madrid‘s Puerta del Sol are also deserted. On the other hand, it’s comforting people are staying home during this uncertain time. And – on a happier note – you can get a clear look at many famous sites. You wouldn’t get that on a normal visit to these sites!

Search for the Northern Lights

Courtesy: Raul Popadineți on Unsplash

You may not be able to head up north to catch the aurora borealis right now, but is making sure you catch it wherever you are! has a live camera set up at the Churchill Northern Studies Center in Churchill, Manitoba. Tune in each evening to catch the light show — the website says it’s one of the best places on earth to see the phenomenon.

TIP: Keep in mind the camera is located in the Central Time Zone.

Watch Zoo and Aquarium Live Cams

Polar Bear Cam at the San Diego Zoo
Polar Bear Cam at the San Diego Zoo

Around the world, many zoos and aquariums are still giving you access to your favorite animals via live cams. You know how much we love San Diego, so the SD Zoo cam is near and dear to our heart (koalas, polar bear, apes, giraffes, tigers, and more!). Need more cuteness? Here are some other fun options to check out:

Go on Safari

We went on safari in Sri Lanka for our honeymoon, but always dreamed of going in Africa – it’s near the top of our Ultimate Travel Bucket List! Well, we won’t be likely won’t be making that trip for awhile, but in the meantime, we can “go on safari” daily with WildEarth.

The virtual safari experiences, led by a naturalist, take place at sunrise and sunset and the time to tune it will obviously vary depending on where you are located (you can set a reminder when you visit the YouTube page). Participate in the fun by asking the guide questions in the chat section.

“Attend” a Performance at London’s Globe Theatre

Courtesy: Hulki Okan Tabak on Unsplash

The world-renowned Globe Theatre on London’s River Thames has closed it’s doors for the time being, but you can still watch Shakespeare films on demand through Globe Player. There are more than 70 performances to choose from including A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Hamlet, and many others. Most cost around £4.99-£5.99 to rent.

Feel Like You’re on Broadway

Courtesy: Jordhan Madec on Unsplash

Broadway stages in New York City are dark but you can still get your You can now stream your favorite show from the comfort of your couch. BroadwayHD is offering a free 7-day trial. The library has hundreds of shows to choose from.

Married with Wanderlust Travel Blog

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